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I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 5k5004

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I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Sb1qwk
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I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Nv8u9l
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» Peticion de personajes predeterminados
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships EmptyDom Jul 08, 2012 9:38 am por Charlotte L. Hamilton

» Nexus Futura ~Elite~ "personajes Cannon Libres"
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships EmptyMiér Jul 04, 2012 5:17 pm por Invitado

» Futuros codigos
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships EmptyLun Mayo 21, 2012 11:43 pm por Gabriella M. Dawnford

» Dangerous Games +18 Afiliación Élite ~Recién Abierto~
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships EmptyDom Mayo 20, 2012 8:45 pm por Gabriella M. Dawnford

» I know perfectly that you want a place here because i'm sexy and i know it ;)
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships EmptyLun Mar 19, 2012 7:10 am por Invitado

» {#} London Rollercoaster {CONFIRMACION}
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships EmptyLun Feb 27, 2012 7:12 pm por Invitado

» Unforgotten Summer Camp {Élite} ¡Personajes cannon sin casting libres! :D
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships EmptyDom Feb 26, 2012 6:21 am por Invitado

» One Dream - afiliación NORMAL {Reapertura} SE BUSCA STAFF CON URGENCIA
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships EmptyLun Feb 20, 2012 12:30 pm por Invitado

» Moon Falls || Recién abierto (personajes cannon libres) || Afiliación Elite
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships EmptyDom Feb 19, 2012 10:11 am por Invitado


I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 1navegacin
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Desplegarmenu-1

I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Mousenavigator
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 2ezo084

I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 11jcj92
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 219yyv4

I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 10sf2j7

I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Szxtgl
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Winter

I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 2hq7xa1I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 30ue2pw

I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Afiliadosnormales
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I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships 6sc4nd

I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships

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I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Empty I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships

Mensaje por Invitado Dom Feb 05, 2012 10:02 pm

Don't judge a book by it's cover.
Frederikka "Farah" Rawerie Pashman
I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Tumblr_lyxwiorAh21roxle0o1_500
18 años || Medicina de Pediatría || Kappa ||Hetero :3

I wanna be a unicorn

La pequeña y dulce Farah. Siempre fue una chica de mente abierta a muchas cosas. De fuerte imaginación, todo lo que hace lo convierte en un juego, del que te sentirar ansioso por participar. Para ella, la vida es un camino, y para hacerlo más divertido, tienes que hacerlo a tu manera. Demuestra cierta mentalidad de niña de cinco años varias veces, aunque otras puede simplemete soltar una incoherencia y quedarse tan feliz. Es un poco corta para pillar las cosas.

Esa imagen de niña linda y frágil la convierten en diana de muchos abusones, aunque sus amigos la defienden, claro que ella tampoco se queda atrás. Cogerá lo primero que vea y te atizará donde más le parezca, o también puede que suelte alguna genialidad que pocas veces se le ocurren y que sin darse cuenta, dan en el clavo. Le fascinan cosas tan simples como los peluches.

Suele repetir bastante la frase "¿Que quieres decir con eso?" cuando dicen algo sobre ella y sabe que es malo y/o no entendió bien que dijo. Despistada como ella sola, puede dejarse su movil en el bolsillo de su chaqueta y buscárlo por todos lados, aún llevando la chaqueta puesta. Cuando siente que alguien está triste o bajo de animos, se deprime ella también.

Simpática, alegre, amistosa y fiestera. Siempre esta dispuesta a hacer amigos y a pasarla de miedo.

Es una chica curiosa, busca de todo y por donde haya espacio. No muchos chicos han puesto sus ojos en ella, pero los que lo han hecho, la han conocido de verdad. Y es que Farah, la dulce, tierna y adorable Farah que te acabo de mostrar... solo es una parte de ella.

No todo son arcoiris y pastelitos de crema. Se lo que estáis pensando. "Ahora nos dirá que es bipolar, y blah, blah..." No. Farah es así, como la he descrito anteriormente, es una forma de su personalidad. No, no tiene ningún trastorno psicológico. Es por esto que se la califica como una joven fuerte y segura de si misma.Ella analiza lo que esta al alcance de sus sentidos, y es MUY buena, asi que cuidate, por que tiene a media escuela fichada. Es una chica con el valor en un punto bastante elevado y a la que los retos la atraen.

En el love... ese, ese es su punto flaco. Puede pelearse con un amigo, hacerles daño sin desmoronarse por completo{claro que se odiaría a si misma si hace algo así}, pero si se enamora... eso es un caso perdido. Farah enamorada es decir bomba expansiva, no por nada, por que nosotros tememos a lo desconocido, y Farah nunca ha experimentado el amor, amor de verdad. Por eso tiene las puertas de su corazón cerradas con llave, le tiene miedo a enamorarse, pero también le encantaría que alguien estuviera predestinado a encontrar la llave.

I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Friends
De vista

• Elizabeth J. Holloway

Trato Cordial
• Elizabeth J. Holloway





Buenos Amigos

Mejor Amiga

Mejor Amigo

I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Enemy

Gente Molesta
• Elizabeth J. Holloway

Trato Hostil


I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Lover



Amigos con derecho


Amor platónico

Ex Pareja

Pareja Actual

18/Rollo de una noche

I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Other


No pongo sitios por ti e__e Dejame que propones o tu DP y hablamos :3

Última edición por Farah R. Pashman el Miér Feb 08, 2012 8:12 am, editado 1 vez


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I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Empty Re: I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships

Mensaje por Invitado Mar Feb 07, 2012 8:21 pm

Farah quiero un lugar aquí!
Dadas las diferencias entre las personalidades de nuestros personajes lo primero que se me ocurrió fue conocidas y gente molesta (desde mi punto de vista). ¿Por qué? Bueno, en una primera instancia Elizabeth podría pensar que eres demasiado superficial, aniñada y algo extraña... Pero al ver que no eres mala persona poco a poco podría ir volviéndose medianamente "amable", por eso se me ocurrió trato cordial también. ¿Que te parece?

mi personalidad:


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I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Empty Re: I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships

Mensaje por Invitado Miér Feb 08, 2012 8:09 am

Me parece bien, ahí te coloco :3

A C T U A L I Z A D O !
• Elizabeth J. Holloway


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I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Empty Re: I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships

Mensaje por Invitado Miér Feb 08, 2012 2:05 pm




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I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Empty Re: I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships

Mensaje por Invitado Miér Feb 08, 2012 2:19 pm

Bueno, bueo, creo que amigas estaría bien, confidentes de vez en cuando, y mi aconsejada, ¿parece? ^^


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I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships Empty Re: I definitely have strong feelings for you. Just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet|| Farah's Re-Ships

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